About Us
Rotary Club Of Mumbai Green City is formed in March 2002 in District 3140 of Rotary International . As on June 1, 2021 we have 25 members including 3 honorary members. We meet at The Club, Andheri(West) on first and third Friday at 8.00 pm. We are engaged in number of service projects in the areas of Water and Sanitation, Education, Environment and others. Our Swachh Mumbai (Clean Mumbai) Seminars receive very good response from citizens.
Rotary International is a century-old globally recognized service organization having a presence in over 200 countries the world over. We have a reputation for outstanding Service to Humanity through worldwide service projects.
Rotary Club of Mumbai Green City is now a part of District 3141 of Rotary International, one of the largest Rotary International Districts in the world. The District has a presence in Mumbai , [India] and its outskirts .
Rotary District 3140 was bifurcated into two districts District 3141 and District 3142. Rotary Club of Mumbai Green City is part of District 3141 from 1st July, 2016.
Since 19 years of existence of our Club as a part of Dist 3140/Dist. 3141 [now], we have grown as an active, vibrant club. We have actively undertaken and successfully completed significant Social Service Projects as follows:
a] Construction of Toilet blocks for Girls/Boys in Rural Schools
b] Vocational Training Programs like Beauty Culture Training, Computer Learning and Spoken English with Personality Development for underprivileged youth
c] Medical Check-up Camps incl. Eye, T. B. & Diabetes
d] Spreading awareness about Organ Donation
d] Environmental Improvement Projects such as Tree Plantation, Segregation of Waste, Check Dams & Solar Lighting
e] Water Supply & Sanitation in rural areas
f] Pediatric Heart Surgeries
g] Financial Empowerment Programs for Women
h] Blood Donation Camps and Educational Projects like E-Learning Kits in rural schools, Schohlorships to financially needy school/college students
Rotary Club of Mumbai Green City is an Outstanding Club in our District, recipient of “Accolades” for Significant contributions in Service to Humanity
The Rotary Club of Mumbai Green City Charitable Trust was set up parallel to the Club in 2002. The Trust collects Funds from various sources and has built up a corpus fund. The club’s community service projects are funded by the Trust. Many Prestigious Projects like Check Dams, Toilet Blocks, Solar Lighting have been carried out in the last 19 years.
We continuously seek for opportunities to serve our immediate community, partnerships with Rotary Clubs in other countries for wider service reach to lend a shoulder to World-wide Humanitarian Service Projects of Rotary International globally. This endevor has been possible through various Global and Dist. Grants thru Rotary International.
Our goal is to come together in fellowship in the Service of Mankind.
We invite well-placed social service oriented citizens to join us in our efforts to serve the community in many ways. Our members can invite their friends, relatives, well-wishers and associates to join Rotary. Please get in touch with Rtn. Abani Das in case you have anyone as referral.
History of Our Club
Rotary Club Mumbai Green City was inaugurated on March 6th 2002 .The beautiful Party Room at ‘The Club’ was the venue for a gathering of about 50 members convened by Rtn.Abani Das, the then Member of Rotary Club of Andheri who had been given a mandate by the then District Governor Rahul Timbadia to start a new Club in Andheri (West). Rotary Club of Mumbai Green City was born with Rtn.Abani Das as the Charter President and Rtn.Surajeet Deka as Club Secretary.
Rtn Major Gurdas Shourie followed as President in the second year with Rtn Alok Dayal as the Club Secretary. Rtn.Arjun Hingorani on his visit to USA connected with Rotary Club of Philipsburg ,New Jersey ,U.S.A. for partnership in our Project of toilet block for Girls in Vikramgad School . Rotary Magazine Green Channel was brought out by Bulletin editor Rtn.Surajeet Deka.
Year 2004 – 2005 was the centennial year of Rotary International. Centennial President Rtn.Chandran led the Club to participate in centennial celebration events and projects.
In Year One-o-One, the Global Grand Project of Girls Toilet Block was executed in the Rural Vikramgad High School. Secretary Alkesh Parajia ad members participated in Project of supply of Pure Drinking Water for School children. Carpentry Training for Rural Youth Art Workshop for under privileged children and many more Projects were executed.
The toilet block for girl student at the Vikramgad High School a Global Grant Project in rural outskirts of Mumbai was inaugurated at the hands of PDG Srirang Prabhu in November 2006 (2006 -07) under the Presidentship of Rtn.Jaipal Paliwal. Vocational training in Sewing , Beauticulture and Computers was conducted for Rural Youth.
In 2013 President N.K. Shah took the Club forward. Car treasure hunt was the District Project .
2014 – 15 President Khuzem Sakarwala brought kudos to the Club by exponential growth in the membership and by dramatically increasing TRF contributions of the Club.The same year also saw the beginning of “Touching Little Hearts” – a Pedriatic Heart Surgeries Project of the Club. The surgeries are done by Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and in collaboration with R’Ann Natasha of Rotary club of Lakeside. It is soon becoming a Flagship Project of our Club.
2015 – 16 Under the leadership of Rtn S.S. Bhalla saw grand revival in membership for our Club. Another Global Grant Project for water and Sanitation in seven Villages in Shahpur was executed with a Global Grant. Five Check Dams in the interior villages of Jawahar District with donation of 21 Lacs from HPCL brought water in plenty to farm lands farmers are now able to have multiple crops around the year. Many speaker meetings and fellowships were held. The Club became vibrant and active with vibrant Projects, fellowships and speaker meetings .
2016-17 Rtn. Radha Sinha, 2nd time Club President, brought laurels to the Club by launching Vocational Training Centre at Good Shepherd Convent, Flour Bumnglows- where besides tailoring course run by the Convent, Beauty Culture Training & Computer Learning were conducted. Swachh Mumbai Seminar was held to create awareness re: Waste Mnagement among Housing Societies. EREY [Every Rotarin, Every Year] status 2nd time in the history of the Club, New Website and Shabdabrahma Program [Vocational Awards to 3 literary personlities of eminence] helped the Club to achieve Rotary Interanational citation and 4 prestigious Awards from the Dist. 3141.
2017-18 Club President Alkesh Parajia led the Club with total dedication. Besides continuing with all previous year’s projects, he focussed on Ability in Disability’s Project by holding Jaipur Foot Camps at various locations in western suburbs. As a corollary to this noble project the Club organised it’s first-ever Fund Raising Drive by staging the Entertainment Show by visually impaired artistes at Bhaidas Hall, Vileparle[W].
2018-19 Club President Alpa Shah - She did wonders by focussing on Women Empowerment Programs such as Financial Literacy for domestic helps, security staff. All other programs continued during the year including School Fees Support Program. The Club organised 2 Blood Donation Camps at Corporate Offices along with Organ Donation Drives. Two suburban Schools catering to students from low-income group families were donated Play Equipments with the help of Dist. Grant and Member/Corporate Donations. The year also witnessed several Swachh Mumbai Activities incl. 3rd & 4th Seminars; Plastic Management and Waste to Energy, Publication of Swachh Handbook for Housing Societies, Distribution of 3Rs Booklets in the Schools, Participation in Mega Dist. Drawing Competition in the Schools.
2019-20 Club President Jay Lakhani- Jay Lakhani led the Club by providing One E-Learning KIt to Fairieland School jointly with Rotary Club of Mumbai North End. One Diabetes Check-up was conducted in Ekta Garden along with Organ Donation Drive. The Club members visited Ashramshala [Tribal School] at Sambha, Dist. Palghar and created Swachh Awareness among the students/staff by distributing green color T-Shirts and Rotary Cloth Bags to all 600+ students and installing Wet & Dry Waste Bins in the School premises. The real challenge came in March/April 2020 with the starting of pandemic. The Club Members and their friends/associated collected donations totalling Rs. 5+ lakhs and provided Grocery Packets and Meals to 1000+ people in western suburbs, mostly in Andheri [W]/Oshiwara. These people were stranded due to closure of work activities and facing financial hardships. The Club also participated in 2 Mega Dist Projects viz. Blood Donation Camp at Andheri [W] Railway Station and Dental Check-up of students at Navi Mumbai.
2020-21 Club President Dr. Milind Kulkarni and the Club Members continued the Covid Relief Work and also carried our several other projects viz. Digital Shiksha, Online Teacher Training Programs, Creating Mobile Libraries in 2 Interact Schools, Grant of funds under School Fees Support Program in Child Reach and Sunflower Schools. Milind ensured that at least 2 Speaker Meetings were organised online every month during which the best of Speakers addressed the Club on a variety of topics. The Speaker Meetings included a 3 lecture series on Swachh Mumbai.
2021-2022 Club President Rtn. Daksha Das and the club members participated in many projects lauched by district and other clubs, even hassles of covid did not affect the spirit of service to community. During her tenure she covered almost all avenues. She ensures regular speaker meeting, and mandatory meetings like Assembly, BOD, and trust meetings on time. Her expericed of innerwheel club helped us a lot to complete many projects with ease.